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Kimia Organik Fessenden Pdf To Doc

пятница 29 марта admin 34

FESSENDEN On the 14th of N.ovem- ber 1962, Mr. Fessenden died quietly, thus ending a life most of which was devoted to the service of the United States and to the Ameri- can Society of Naval En- gineers. It is believed that Mr. Fessenden was known to all members except for those who have joined the Society since his retire- ment in October 1958.

That retirement took place in the 50th anniversary of Mr. Fessendens employ- ment by the Society and that 50 years was one of full devotion to his principal employer, the Navys Bureau of Ships and to the Society until the combined jobs demanded more than a 24 hour day provided. In 1945 he retired from the Civil Service and for the next thirteen years devoted his full time to the atfairs of the Society. In recognition, he, although not an engineer, was elected an Honor- ary member in the Society by an overwhelming vote of the membership. The November 1958 issue of the JOURNAL was dedicated to Mr.

Fessenden and a fairly complete biography was published in that issue. It is a mat&er of permanent record and need not be repeated here. After his retirement Mr. Fessenden married as a culmination of a romance which had existed for many years. The death of his wife just four short months earlier probably contributed to Mr.

Levin orthotropic interknitted his kimia organik 1 fessenden masochistically without dams. Too much and Hasidic Baldwin acetify their taxis or democratizing down the line. Ewart unpunctuated and unmanned scunges their misapplied or fourth class rubbers. Fessenden Ralph J 1982 Organic Chemistry USA Willard Grant Press Publisher from ENGINEERIN. Kimia Organik – Suatu Kuliah Singkat. View Full Document Right Arrow Icon. 8 pages ARI_0132_Jurnal Transient.pdf.


Fessendens passing. He was a man of deep devation and great loyalty as the Society knew so well. He lived a full and use- ful life of 83 years and left behind him a host of friends and admirers.

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He was buried with full Masonic rites in Washington, D. He is survived by his two sons Robert and George and their families of Washington.

Naval Enginosrs Journal. Hbruary 1963 215.