Install VMware workstation 9 then run install.cmd as an administrator. Once completed open VMware and click Create New Virtual Machine Click Next and pick installer disc image and attach the iso file as shown below. Ignore the error message and click Next then choose the following settings and click Next.
Choose a name and location and click Next. On the next screen choose a hard drive size and click Next. On the final screen click finish. The installation of OSX is ready to begin so start up the machine. Since English is already chosen click on the arrow button.
A pre-made Snow Leopard VMDK (included) dariwn_snow.iso (included). Download the VMware image and darwin_snow.iso from. FakeSMC causes kernel panics on reboot/shutdown in Snow Leopard in VMware for some reason. Just ignore the Kernel panics and use the VMware reset button. Unmount the “darwin.iso” image within Snow Leopard. Scsi0:0.fileName = “Mac OS X Server 10.6 64-bit.vmdk. The following step by step guide will help you in installing Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard as a guest virtual machine in Windows 7.
Click Continue on the next screen and accept the License Agreement. Now you need to choose a disk where Snow Leopard will be installed on. Most likely nothing will be displayed so a disk will have to be created. To create a disk click on Utilities > Disk Utility from the top menu.
Click on the hard drive and click on Partition then choose 1 partition and enter a name for the drive. Click Apply and in the dialog box click Partition.
Exit the disk partition window and click on Install. Wait Once on the Welcome window click Continue. Click Continue Click Continue Continue through the next two screens. Any dialog box that displays click Continue. Enter a full name and account name and fill in other fields if desired.
Enter a city for your time zone and click Continue then on the next screen click Done. Congrats your finished!! – See more at:
The following step by step guide will help you in installing Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard as a guest virtual machine in Windows 7. You’ll need to have a system with an Intel processor which supports hardware virtualization, original OS X Snow Leopard retail disk, VMware Workstation 7 and Windows 7, Vista or XP installed as host operating system. If you meet all these requirements, you can then install OS X Snow Leopard in VMware under Windows and can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Note: We don’t in anyway encourage downloading Apple software via file-sharing / torrent sites and run it in an virtualized environment under Windows. This guide is for informational purposes only. If you like OS X Snow Leopard, Get a Mac. Step 1: Download and install VMware Workstation 7. Step 2: to download pre-made modified version of Snow Leopard.vmdk and darwin_snow.iso files required to get this thing to work. Step 3: Start VMware Workstation and open up “Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmx” file which you downloaded in Step 2. Step 4: Click on “Edit virtual machine settings”, select CD/DVD (IDE) option from left hand side and then and select “Use ISO image file” option.