Menggunakan Software untuk memperbaiki Flashdisk. Zet 9 geo torrent pc. Super Stick Recovery Tools, tetapi tetap flashdisk tidak terbaca. Nah, kemudian saya gunakan program Low Level Format dan Seatools for Windows. Setelah saya bongkar ternyata IC Controllernya adalah ALCOR-AU6986, Setelah googling akhirnya ketemu juga software AlcorMP_UFD untuk IC ALCOR. Jun 28, 2018 - Inspired by the experience some time ago when fixing the flash that reads 0 bytes, I was trying to reformat the flash that was damaged by the.
Kiran please give repair solution. Colnago serial number chart pdf. I tried all things but i can't repair.
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(JetFlash Transcend 4GB) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387 Serial Number: HDYK1NOC Device Vendor: JetFlash Device Name: Mass Storage Device Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: JetFlash Product Model: Transcend 4GB Product Revision: 8.07 Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro Controller Part-Number: AU6988/AU6986 [BD02] - F/W 5012 Flash ID code: 2CD7943E - Micron MT29F32G08MAA - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-4K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB.