Quickly convert between hundred of units and world currencies! Conversion are done much faster and easier with Measures.
We paid major attention to the usability of the program and hope that you'll find it helpful in your daily work, travel and leisure. HIGHLIGHTS: - Huge database with over 1000 units in 40 categories - User friendly all-in-one screen interface with the scroll wheels - Four quickly re-programmable favorite buttons - Search through all categories and units inspired by spotlight - Daily updated currency exchange rates for 170 countries - Units / categories which are rarely used can be deactivated - Sorting of units: alphabetical, based on usage frequency etc.
Random converter. Record their performance with respect to power output, and then analyze it to determine the effectiveness of their workout program.
Nemetskiy yazik. Kurs dlya nachinayuschih. Klyuchi anglijskij yazik kurs perevoda dmitrieva. Ustniy perevod. - Spb.: Izdatelstvo 'Soyuz', 2002.