Truck Add-In for iGO Navigation Now Available • December 16. Wxpvol en serial keys. 2016 Budapest • iGO Navigation can now be upgraded with a set of useful features designed for truck drivers and camper van owners, released on 15th December.
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Budapest, Hungary,. – Automotive navigation development company, NNG has come out with a truck add-in for its iGO Navigation running on both Android and iOS. Offering offline navigation in over 100 countries worldwide, the latest version of iGO Navigation was released only a couple of months ago. NNG now upgraded the application with a special feature set developed for trucks, released on 15th December and available in the in-app store. The add-in allows truck drivers and camper van owners to create a special profile by entering the length, weight, height, and maximum speed limit of their vehicle, and calculates the ideal route accordingly. The add-in uses the latest map data to navigate trucks and camper vans in almost every region of the world.
The service is compatible with both Android and iOS devices, independent of their size, power or resolution limits or restrictions. We have received a lot of feedback from truck drivers who are dedicated iGO Navigation users, and they needed a couple of extra features to make their everyday work be more effective. Although this add-in has been primarily developed for truck drivers, we would like to encourage all of our users to try the new features. Said CEO of NNG The iGO Navigation add-in for truck and camper vans is available for USD 20.
To download the iGO Navigation app, please visit the website. The foldable truck calendar can be downloaded from the attachments.
FYI (for those who don't know) the iGO version from Joying is pirated. I had confirmed this the iGO makers. The serial they provided was not authentic. The one from the Play store is and will be able to give you fully updated maps, poi, and some others after the purchase. I would recommend if you can afford it. It is very easy to use if you are driving.
The best feature is the keyboard, it will allow you to start typing an address and will only allow what is close to it to be typed. Sent from my SM-N930T using Tapatalk.