Three Phase Ac Winding Calculation • 1. Three-Phase AC Winding Calculations ( single-speed windings) Kinds of diagrams This calculations program includes all necessary details for rewinding three-phase motors: the type of windings, number of layers, parallel circuits, span and number of turns per coil, number and cross section of turn in a slot, as well as the winding diagram. The basis also includes about 400 most frequently used diagrams for 12, 18, 24, 27, 30, 36, 42, 45, 48, 54, 60, 72, 75 and 90 slots. There are two kinds: a complete diagram for single-layer windings ( diagram on the left) or internal connections between PPH – groups for double-layer windings (diagram on the right). • The calculations are made in terms of stator core dimensions.
This IPad tool offers to the shop Engineer and rewind Technician the possibility of checking the different winding configurations for induction motors. Free Antivirus. VLC Media Player (64.
The calculation takes a few minutes. On the stator-core, the following measurements need to be taken: the length of the iron-core, internal diameter and the height of the back iron and tooth width.
For calculation of cross-sectional area of turn you need also the slot dimensions. This program offers a quick and efficient service to those who have had experience working with motor winding as well as to beginners interested in solving every-day problems. • Operating this program is easy even for those who have no experience with computers. – Precise measures give more accurate results 2. – All dimensions are given in millimeters. By following the prompts, you will be taken through the entire process.
Areas marked in yellow are mandatory: voltage, frequency, connection: a wye ( star) or a triangle (delta), number of poles, the dimensions of the stator iron, tooth width and number of slots. The program will warn you if you forgot to write something or you typed in the wrong format. You will not be able to go on to the next page unless all areas have been marked correctly. – The program will offer you a list of all possible diagrams 4. – graphic test of flux density in the air gap, back iron, and teeth.
Choose one, save or print it. Choose the flux density so that the density in the back-iron, and teeth are within permissible limits (marked in green). To calculate the wire size, it is necessary to measure the slot. You have completed the calculations Write down the slot dimensions and the desired number of wires. The wire-size can be calculated in several different ways (the area of an old winding or a slot of a other shape or the cross section of all wires, etc. All details and calculation data can be saved and printed with the earlier diagram.